We earned another phone call because as a division we scored a 4.0 (on a scale of 5.0) on our 1st academic test. I don't know when but keep your phone on. I can't wait to talk to you again and maybe I won't cry this time.
I am so glad God is providing and easing this stressful time. I am also so encouraged to hear the military ID is taken care of. Medical should be taken care of too. I'm not sure about Tri-care standard to Tri-care prime. You may want to call.
I am excited to see you! I have been thinking about The Hunger Games too. Talked to a lot of guys here about it too! Can't wait for the movie.
I hope you received my long first letter. You need to tell me more about your new Bible study. This encourages me. I am excited!
You can always say you miss me. I love to be longed for because I love to long for you and I miss you. Tell Drew Hi and the Navy is different than expected mostly because I'm married. It seems Navy should be #1 but my wife is so much better. I could leave now to be with her. But that may be foolish. I'm praying for your mom. I got a letter from her as well. I loved it. I received one from Audrey too. It was so nice. When I talk to you again ask me about my daily routine. I really wanna tell you everything. Too much to write though. I go to bed (taps) at 10pm (22:00) my time and wake up at 6am.
Andrew <3
Hey babe,
What a great day today. We took our ID card pictures and went to the reclassifier. Pictures went great. Mine is very serious looking. I get my ID on 4-4. We are on 3-2 now. Reclassification is like a place to change your job. NOT. I have been thinking about changing to MA. But i found out today I'm AV for at least 24 months after A-school which is great. No changing for me. I also found out I'll be in Pensacola for sure. If I am AE I'll be in A-school for about 7 weeks. If they give me AT it's 21 weeks. There may be C-school after too. But I won't find that out until after A-school. So a lot of unknown there. I just received your letter #8 you sent after our phone call. Love the polar bears. Thank you for the numbers.
BIG NEWS!! We did a mock PFA (Personal Fitness Assessment) and as you know I failed my first one. I passed my pushups and situps but failed the run. So tonight we did a practice run and last time I ran 15:290. I need to be under 14:00 to graduate. I was sick the first time around but not this time. My goals are 50 pushups, 50 crunches, 12min 1.5 mile. Well tonight I ran 12:05!!! I was so happy and all my shipmates were excited too (as I was in last place 2 weeks ago). I'm running faster then some 19 year olds. God is good! So I need to cut off 5 seconds by 4-1 which is this Monday (5 days from now). I'm going to try my best. I also need about 15 more pushups too. Thank you for prayers.
I miss you lots and think about you and our love non stop. especially when marching. It reminds me of our walks.
Prayers = next week 4-1 to 4-5 is considered hell week (a lot of tests, drills, and inspection). Pray for a clear mind. I miss your voice, hugs, touch, and killer bunnies.
Love your Andrew!
Well babe, I definitely get to write more than I get to send. They permit us to write all the time but never collect letters. So you may get a lot of letters at once. Today we did another mock PT and I ran my 1.5 mile in 12:30. I'm doing great. My knees hurt a little so prayers for them. But my goal is under 12 min by 6-2. We also learned about basic seamanship today. Like terms and line handling. The instructor was awesome and I found out I'm the 2nd (out of 82 recruits) fastest knot tier in the division. Pretty rad. Tomorrow we get to go to Marlinspike and test some new skills. // We are passing out mail and I got a letter from Allie. Tell her about the blog and I'll write back on Sunday.// Just received letters from my mom and Melissa (Ashton's GF) My mom printed pics of you in the snow. You'll have to tell me more about it. Melissa gave me Ashton's addy so I'm going to write him. I have been going to church but I may not this week because I need to write/study for hell week.
Hey babe,
So here is the letter to answer all your questions. I just received #9 and 10. You look beautiful in the snow like always and theres a lot of it. Stay safe. Good luck on the taxes. We should get back money I hope.
So I have probably answered some of your questions in other letters. I write you almost every night. Also, tell Scott I got his letter. I love him. All 80+ guys loved his Halo picture. Also, if others have questions tell them to send them on. I'll answer what I can so here we go on questions...
1. Can I PT on my own?
No I can't. On my own at night I can because the RDCs go
home so many guys stay up and do push-ups, sit-ups and etc.
2. What makes the food so good? Dessert?
Good is great because of the variety and quality. Very much
like the RDC at NDSU. But no seconds. Once you sit down
you can't get back up. I can eat dessert but 4 days ago I was
put on restriction until I pass my run PFA. (I passed the
practice the next day.)
3. What is an RDC?
Recruit Division Commander. One chief and two petty
officers first class. They are with us day in and out just not at
bedtime (taps).
4. What does punishment look like?
We call it IT "Getting Beat" or "IT" (intensive training). I
have yet to be IT'd by my own means. I'm a smart recruit. I
have been IT'd for others mistakes (this really makes me
angry). We do mountain climbers, jumping jacks,8-count
body builders, situps, arm circles, and squats at a super fast
5. When is my next Try at running?
Day 4-1 this Monday at 0400am. I'll pass!!
6. Do you get 1 pillow?
Only 1. It sux. Sheets and blankets are bad too. I'm always
7. What does my daily schedule look like?
Well it changes slightly every day but this is the average day.
0600 - Rev (wake up)
0650 - Chow
0730 - 0900 - Class (depends)
0900 - 1100 - Training
1100 - 1200 - Chow
1200 - 1730 - Class/Training
1730 - 1800 - Chow
1800 - 1900 - Physical Training
1900 - 1945 - Hygiene
2000 - 2200 - Laundry
2200 - Taps (lights out)
Things are always in different orders and times but that's a
8. Do I sneak writing in?
Yes. I write you every night I get a letter from you.
9. What do I wear on a daily basis?
Well I wear my NWU's (Navy Working Uniform) everyday
all day. Look up a picture online. It's a digital camo pattern
blue, black, gray, and green. My name is stitched on it and I
also wear boots everyday. It's pretty comfortable except
when we have to IT in it.
10. What do we drill march in?
We will drill in our daily uniform.
11. When do I tryout for my staff division graduation
performing spot?
Well I made the honor guard so I will be marching in with a
rifle and a super cool uniform. I don't believe I'll be in
sailor mess dress. I may be in my NWU's with a flashy rifle
spinning around and some other cool gear. I'm pretty good
and it's super fun. I'm one of 25 that made it. A lot tried out.
I hope this answers your questions and others that read the blog. If you or others have more let me know. You're wonderful and always on my mind.
Love you,
P.S. Got some snow today!
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